I never saw “that 70’s show”, but I definitely think you should ask Ashton Kutcher for money. He seems like a nice guy and he can definitely afford it.

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I agree 1000% that it takes a village to secure a gift.

Just added to my to-do list for this holiday weekend:

1. Watch Top Gun II

2. Dig out my prom picture ; )

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I would watch the shit out of a Pauly Shore/Debra Jo Rupp movie!

I did not watch Top Gun II (yet) because I could’ve written that letter verbatim 10 minutes before I read this post. Could be why I haven’t watched it yet, because of its predictability.

I’m glad that you recognize the whole of the team when it comes to team effort and contributions. Not everyone wants to be a shiny Tom Cruise or a cocky fighter pilot looking for attention. Some are there to do good work and help others. Or do good work and go home to watch a Pauly Shore/Debra Jo Rupp mashup movie! 😂

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This was a fantastic read, thank you! The topic is something I’ve been thinking on for a long while, too, especially after that personality workshop we all did. For some folks, it feels easier to accept credit or have that moment of award and congratulations. Care definitely has to be taken to appreciate the ones who don’t naturally step forward for that.

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