yellow power ranger was and always will be my favorite💕💕💕

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also, i’ve never had a visit from the halloween fairy— probably because i’m actually a perfect daughter and i’m super nice to my father 🤷‍♀️

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One time I was behind on grading, so I came into Norman Mayer on a Sunday night and systematically chewed ALL the disgusting bubblegum delivered by the Halloween Fairy (you know, the stuff that's literally the bottom of the plastic pumpkin barrel, having rightly been passed over by everyone with taste). I can't say I remember the experience fondly, but the essays did get marked.

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Interesting. My take is if the cashier asks if you could donate - they are the organizations outsourced arm - an appendage. However, if there was a donation box somewhere to make a donation, like those days, then its the organizations own initiative - an insource effort.

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I’m feeling deprived considering the Halloween Fairy never visited any of your English 300 courses, although the resident ghost under the table did contribute to a spooky atmosphere. Also feeling slightly less deprived that Pride and Prejudice was never on the syllabus.

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Wow, I heard your Dad in every syllable of your response to the Power Ranger. I usually round up. If you’re going to pay $4.65 for a McDonald breakfast, might as well pay $5.00. It’s an easy way to give.

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